The gypsy liaison service manages our registered caravan park, a site where gypsies and travellers can reside on a permanent basis under a tenancy agreement. The site can accommodate up to 26 families.

We also deal with enquiries, or reports of groups of gypsies, or travellers trespassing on public or private land within Bolton.  

Gypsy and traveller communities lead a nomadic lifestyle moving around the country. From time to time, local communities find gypsies parking their caravans and vehicles in a nearby park, public places such as car parks or land where they should not. This is classed as an 'Unauthorised Encampment'.

Gypsies and travellers trespassing on council or private land

Unauthorised encampments can be reported to the police or to the council. All encampments will be dealt with in accordance with legal processes.  Please see 'There is an unauthorised encampment on council land' for more details.

You can report encampments on council owned land by calling Housing Services on 01204 338721 or email  Any complaints of trespassers out of hours should be reported to the police on the 101 number.

All unauthorised encampments on council land will be issued with 'A code of Conduct for Unauthorised Encampments.

For unauthorised encampments on private land, please see 'There is an unauthorised encampment on private land' for guidance, or contact the Gypsy Liaison Officer for advice and information.

All unauthorised encampments will be issued with the Trading Standards Service Leaflet: 'Guidance for traders who visit a consumer’s home'.